Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy

Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy

Legislation regarding the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA, the "Act") is administered through the Corporate Services Department as authorized by Town of Qualicum Beach Freedom of Information Bylaw No. 548, 1994. This legislation applies to all records in the custody or under the control of public bodies like the Town of Qualicum Beach. It affords the public a right to access these records, although there are limited exceptions to that right. The Act also regulates how the Town of Qualicum Beach collects, uses and discloses a wide range of personal information in fulfilling its statutory responsibilities and operating its programs.

Routine Requests

Qualicum Beach has always prided itself on being open and accountable to members of the public. The Town readily shares its records on a routine basis. Most of the information sought by the public is available and such requests are handled informally without going through the legislation. Front line staff are happy to provide records such as agendas, minutes, bylaws, policies and procedures and information related to your property upon request. Our list of Routinely Requested Information will help determine whether a formal request is required.

Click here to view the list of Routinely Requested Information.

Submit a Formal Request under the Act

Formal requests under the Act are managed by the Corporate Services Department. A formal request is a request in writing for records that are not routinely available. If you know a formal request is required, a Request for Access to Records Form should be submitted. The request should provide specific detail to assist staff in locating and retrieving the records.

Click here to fill out a Request for Access to Records Form.

Submit Request by Mail or In Person:
Town of Qualicum Beach
201 - 660 Primrose Street
Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1S7

Our office is open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.

Submit Request by E-mail:
attn: Freedom of Information Coordinator


The Act authorizes the Town to charge a fee for certain limited costs of providing applicants with records. If there are costs involved in processing a formal request, the applicant will be provided with an estimate before the application is fully processed.

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